

Shake It, Don't Break It!

Here's Ellie on her last day of summer dance class. We really enjoyed Children's Dance Foundation, and would recommend it to anyone! From the pianist to the awesome teacher, Ellie had the best time! This fall she'll be taking a movement class at Briarwood, so we're hoping that it's just as good! So, no worries, these are not the last of the dance pictures! (HA!HA!)
Speaking of moving and grooving, little Latham has been doing her share of dancing in my tummy. She is definitely an active one! Today I went to the doctor, and I am 50% effaced and a fingertip dilated (sorry, I know that sounds yucky!). Plus, her head is down, which made me extra happy! We'll keep everyone updated!

1 comment:

Fuller Family said...

Yippee, It sounds like you are getting close!! I know you are soooo ready! I have baby girl a gift that I need to get to you, lets try to meet up sometime next week if you are available! Get some rest this weekend - it might be your last=)

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