

Baby Update

The other night Ellie was in our bed, and she kept telling us, "Here's my baby!" The way she had her tummy pooched in the air was hysterical!
Well, her baby will be here sooner than we thought. The doctor told me last week that I will be induced on Tuesday, August 19. I'm not overly-excited about being induced, but the kidney problem that I had with Ellie is back, and the longer I'm pregnant, the more painful it gets. So, we are in serious get-ready-for-baby mode right now! We know that everything will be great because we have prayed over this pregnancy from the day we knew I was pregnant. (Plus, we know that people like you have been praying, too, and we are so very grateful!)
Now we just need a name...!


Stephanie Drew said...

we can't wait to meet baby girl latham!!!

sweetpeamorrow said...

awwwwwwwwww hey! I put your blog on my blog list so I keep checking in to see if u have a name is so hard to pick one! You did great on the first one!!!!!!!!!

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