

The Early Bird Gets the Baby!

Our sweet little Latham is here! Mary Claire was born at 12:23 this afternoon. She was 7 pounds 10 ounces, and 20 1/4 inches long. When we arrived at 5:30 this morning, I was already four centimeters dilated and 80% effaced, plus I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes. I knew I had been uncomfortable the past few days, but had no idea I was in labor! Anyway, the doctor broke my water at 6:00 a.m., and by 11:30 I was pushing! The whole day was so easy, and we are all feeling great! I am already unhooked from everything, so I can walk around. I'm on Robbie's laptop right now and haven't downloaded pictures, but I'm working on it! Mary Claire is really a cute little chickie with round cheeks and sweet disposition. I love all of you so much and can't tell you how appreciated all of your prayers are!


Jeremy and Michelle said...

yea! I'm glad everything went so smoothly! I am going to try and come by in the morning and see ya'll - can't wait to meet mary claire!

Fuller Family said...

Yippee!! I have checked your blog all day waiting for the news. I am so glad everything went perfectly. I cannot wait to see her! I am going to try to come by tomorrow evening. Enjoy your new blessing!!!

Stephanie Drew said...

welcome sweet baby girl! can't wait to meet you...and i have two girls that are really wanting to log some good quality time with you. you've got lots of fun in store!

JJ said...

Can't wait to meet Mary Claire!
Love you all.

Rush and Tori Letson said...

Congratulations!! I know she is beautiful!! Can't wait to meet her!

Woodrich Family said...

Congratulations! Mary Claire what a perfectly sweet name! I'm so glad the day went so smoothly for you. Now begins the fun of two!!

Baby Huffstetler said...

I absloutely LOVE the name Mary Claire! I know she is beautiful. God is so good..... all three of us August girls had great deliveries!!!

Jaime said...

congratulations! i'm glad you are all doing so well. can't wait to meet her!

meredith said...

So glad Mary Claire is here, and that everything went so smoothly! Praise the Lord! We are looking forward to meeting you! Hopefully, we'll be by this evening. If not, we have an early appt up there in the morning and will swing by may be the first to know what we're having!! we love you! ~ meredith

Rachael said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Mary Claire! I know you are just as beautiful as your big sister and your mommy!

We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet her!

sweetpeamorrow said...

Congrats you guys!!!!! We look forward to meeting her!! Love the name!

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