

Oh Baby!

Mommies and Kids (James is at home with his grandparents...we sure missed him!)
Daddies and Kids

This has been quite the week for new little chickies! On Sunday, our friends Amanda, Kevin, and their little girl Kaylee welcomed Davis. Tuesday, Jordan and Jessica had Evelyn Ruth. Early Thursday morning, John-Mark came to join Michelle, Jeremy, and James! What a blessing to see all of these sweet miracles! And now, we're next!
Last night we went to see John-Mark and his family in the hospital. He is precious! We also got to visit with Mike, Nikki, Zach, Ash, Joy, and Mallory. It was like a little party in the hospital!
I told Ellie that I would be staying in the hospital when I had her sister, and she got a little bit upset. Hopefully having ALL of her grandparents here will make her forget that her mommy and daddy aren't at home. One great thing we've learned from all of these babies is that she is really intrigued by them. I am so happy that she is getting to see what a tiny baby looks like and does before hers gets here!
Thank-you, Lord, for new life!

Ellie thought she was too cool for school watching the Olympics with Jeremy in the hospital bed!


Woodrich Family said...

It is so great that you are able to introduce Ellie to the fun of babies to prepare for having her own sister! I'm sure it will be so helpful for her. I just wanted to wish you the best this week. I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. My brother in-law is moving to Georgia this month so who knows, maybe we'll have to come visit next year! Love ya!

Stephanie Drew said...

she's going to do great! can't wait to meet new baby what's-her-name! :)

Jeremy and Michelle said...

love the pic of Ellie and Jeremy in the bed - too cute! I've been singing veggie tales ever since ya'll left! We can't wait to meet baby girl #2! We're praying everything goes smoothly and your labor & delivery is as easy as John-Mark's. Get ready, two is harder than one!!
Love ya'll!

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