

One Week and One Day

Sweet Mary Claire
Snow White & Grandmother (My mom was THE MOST help! We miss her already!)
Once we tied a bow around Mary Claire, Ellie had to do it, too!

Well, we've been parents of two chickies for eight days, and home for six of those days. I must say that life has definitely been different! Any of you who know our sweet Ellie know that she is the easiest child in the world. She decided to prove to us this past week that she really does have it in her to be a toddler. Jealousy, excitement, and just being overwhelmed with everything changing made her a little bit moody and of course, dramatic. We're getting over the dramatics part, but Robbie and I know that there are still some trying times ahead. That said, Ellie really has been a good big sister. She loves to hold Mary Claire, give her kisses, and just look at her. The whole behavior issue is with mommy, not the baby! You know what, though? This too shall pass! We are just so lucky to have two healthy girls!

Here are some pictures from the last week. We love you all!


JJ said...

cute cute pictures!! I love how Ellie loves "her baby" and hope the adjustment just gets better every day!
love you all

Woodrich Family said...

You have exactly the right attitude and I just know that will get you through. Everything is a stage and you'll get used to it all as you go. What a blessing to have two lovely little girls!

Stephanie Drew said...

i think she really looks like ellie in the mouth! i didn't think so at the hospital, but these pictures do! they change so quickly!

Kait said...

Oh, sweet Mary Claire is so so cute and I can't wait to see her in person! I love that Ellie gets to have a real live baby doll. That is so much fun :-)

Rachael said...

So beautiful!!!

Baby Huffstetler said...

precious..... love the bow!!!

meredith said...

these pictures are great! so were the ones in the email you sent! love, love, love all the pink! it cracks me up how different we will be with our boys and all the blue we'll have! :) also, jenn, you look great in that family picture!

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