

Hello All!

We're still getting to know our sweet little Mary Claire. It seems that she likes to eat, but after taking her for a weight check, the doctor has declared that she has 'LBS' (Lazy Baby Syndrome!). So, I am trying to work on getting as much food in that little chickie as possible. Easier said than done, though, with a breastfed baby! Ellie is doing better with the baby. She still requires a lot of attention, but what can we expect from someone who has been the only one her entire three years! We are very blessed to have such precious children!
Enjoy these pictures from the last week! Love you all!

This is Mary Claire in her cradle that's right next to our bed. I was trying to show everyone what I get to see everytime I wake sweet!
Here's El in her towel that our fun friends the Blakeneys gave her as a big sister gift.
Mary Claire and I went to Bunco on Thursday night. The theme was tailgating, so MC got to sport her Auburn gear!
Ellie loves to hold Mary Claire!

1 comment:

Stephanie Drew said...

so fun! ellie looks like she's doing great...and i'm so glad mary claire is feeling better. now, if we can just get her to wake up! :) can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!

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