

Blog Catch-Up!

Notice that tonight I have gone blog-crazy and done four posts! Life is busy with two little chickies who both require full attention from Mommy at all times!
Mary Claire is definitely a Mommy's girl. (She's sleeping in my lap right now, actually!) I've been trying really hard to capture her precious smile and fun little personality, but it sure is hard!
As you'll see from these pictures, not only does she have sister's sweet disposition, but she looks just like her, too!


JJ said...

good update! and the pumpkin looks really good too!

Kait said...

Jennifer, MC does look just like Ellie! Both of your girls are beautiful. I love your pumpkin, too cute :-) Mine are all still whole, Maddox keeps saying "when are we going to make a face on it??" I just haven't gotten there yet.

Images by Freepik