

Rick & Bubba Birthday

Since Robbie turned 30 this year, I tried to think of something special to do for his birthday. So, in March, I got two Golden Tickets to watch the Rick and Bubba broadcast in their studio. The day after Robbie's birthday was Columbus Day, so we got to go today instead. We had a fun time watching the guys do their thing live! It was great getting to watch their faces as they made jokes instead of just hearing their voices. Tickets are not available again until May 2009, but I can definitely see Robbie and I going back.
We love these guys and everything that they stand for. What a blessing to get to hear such positive, Godly talk on the radio as we prepare for our day each morning. Thanks Rick and Bubba! And of course, happy birthday to my fabulous husband...I love you!


Rachael said...

I was planning on emailing you later to tell you that I heard them say your name on the air this morning! So fun! Josiah and I want to go down there one day...we'll probably just hang out outside though because I can't imagine him being still for that long. The Montgomery's love Rick and Bubba too!

Stephanie Drew said...

what a fun birthday present! allen called me right after he heard your names. i think allen would love it!

Fuller Family said...

That is so cool!!! What a great birthday gift. I love all of your updated blogs. MC is so cute!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

So jealous! How much fun!! I keep thinking I want to get tickets but I know they are sold out for like a year!! What a lucky guy Robbie is!

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