

Christmas Cousin Fun!

This year, Nana decided to start a gingerbread house-making tradition with Charlotte and Ellie. And we're not talking any old buy-the-kit-in-the-store kind, Nana makes her own gingerbread and bakes it in a special mold. The girls had a great time decorating their houses. Charlotte attached her candies by licking them, and Ellie was very precise and particular about where things went. Too funny! As always, the girls had a blast together. We only had one door-slamming incident, so we all considered the day a complete success! Thanks, Nana, for a wonderful (and tasty!) time!

The next day, the girls and I got to go to lunch with Papa and Nana at AAC. It was so delicious! (Chocolate bread pudding, mint brownies, all kinds of ice cream, yummy!) I was very proud of both girls for being well-behaved (I get a little bit nervous when we go somewhere nice!). We loved our special Christmas lunch treat!

1 comment:

Stephanie Drew said...

what a great tradition! and a yummy one...

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