

Just Mary Claire

This is a post all about our sweet Mary Claire. She weighs twelve pounds now and is looking much healthier than Ellie did at this age. Some of her nicknames are MC, May-May, Boonanny (my name for her), and Spit-Up Queen. Mary Claire has the best disposition, and still loves her mommy lots. What she really enjoys is when I'm holding her and Ellie talks to her. Everything Ellie does is just hysterical. Hearing Mary Claire laugh makes me laugh from the bottom of my tummy...she makes herself laugh so hard that she gets hiccups! Still not rolling over, but definitely a mover and a shaker. Everytime MC starts kicking those little legs (which is quite often), I reminisce about being pregnant because that's exactly what she did for the last three months of my pregnancy! Speaking of little legs, Mary Claire REFUSES to keep anything on her feet. It's embarrassing to be in public because everyone comments on her lack of socks. I just laugh and move on!
For now Mary Claire is still in our room in her cradle, and every night we say it's time for her to move to her bedroom. So, either we need to move her, or she's going to get big enough to walk to her room herself and jump in the crib! Our one excuse for Mary Claire still being in our room is that she is breastfeeding. That was a great reason, except that now she sleeps through the night without needing to be fed! Breastfeeding is just wonderful. I think it's so amazing that my little chickie is alive simply from the food that I give her! Any mommy who had a rough go with nursing the first time around, I promise there's hope!
Of course, we thank our Heavenly Father everyday for blessing us with TWO of His precious little miracles. It's awesome to be given such a responsibility! We love you, Mary Claire!


Stephanie Drew said...

you keep her in your room as long as you need too....but if she does walk out and jump in her crib, please get that on video!

Woodrich Family said...

I'm just so glad that you are to nurse your baby this time around. It really is the most amazing about being a mom if you ask me. Rachel's been weened for about a month and some days I think it might have been a little too soon for me. I moved Rachel to her own room once she started sleeping through the night and then she started waking up again. I didn't want to move her back, so I spent the next couple months staggering to her room in the middle of the night. I don't recommend it.

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