

Maybe Next Year, Strawberry

I had this brilliant idea to bring out the Elf on the Shelf book and actual elf this year, thinking we could start a fun family tradition. What I didn't think of is how Ellie is just like me. When I was little, Santa had to leave my presents on the doorstep because I didn't want him in my house. Well, Ellie had the same reaction to the elf. I put the elf, which she named Strawberry, on her armoire in her bedroom along with his book. Halfway through the book, Ellie started looking really anxious. After the book, I told her that we would have to find the elf in the morning to see where he was hiding. (I even bought little presents for the elf to give her! Now we just have more stocking stuffers!) Ellie then asked if Santa would be coming into her bedroom to get the elf. I told her that he definitely would not come to her room, or even in our house. The shaking began, so we told her that the elf would stay downstairs. Not good enough. As a family, we had to take Strawberry outside and ask him to stay in the North Pole forever. Not until next year, but forever. So, maybe we'll see you later, Strawberry! (Then again, maybe not!)


Woodrich Family said...

What a wonderful idea! Sometimes things don't work as well in real life as they do in our minds for one reason or another. That's just the way it goes. I appreciated your sweet words. Life with two kiddos is definitely different! Just remember that it doesn't last forever and really love those babies!! Do you remember Laurie Kulikowski with the five boys and finally had a girl? She reminded me that cobwebs wait, but the babies don't. Love you! Hang in there! Trust in the Lord because our children are His children and He wants us to love and care for them like He would if He were here! I'm sure you're doing a great job!!

Stephanie Drew said...

well sure. everything we want them to love seems to scare them to death. you're doing a great job!

Fuller Family said...

That is so funny. I was thinking about getting the elf for our house... hopefully I'll have more luck than the Latham family!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

I was never scared of Santa and clowns or anything but I must admit that Strawberry does look a little creepy to me - I think I understand where Ellie is coming from! Remind me to tell you a funny story about the whole elf tradition this Sunday - it would not translate well in the written word :)

sweetpeamorrow said...

That was sooooooooooooo funny! So sweet that you thought of that fun idea...she will love it one day I am sure...especially if a new fun gift is involved!!!!!!! =)

Jan O'Donnell said...

I just love all the stories and pistures that you post about Ellie. They make me laugh. Sorry I missed you at the wedding Saturday. Hope everything went well for you, it did for me. They were sweet to work with. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. See you in Jan. at Bunco.

Robin Hudson said...

I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Ellie - the elf is a little creepy (in my opinion at least).

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