

Not Christmas Yet

Sure wish I had pictures to post of our Christmas tree, but it is waiting patiently in a bucket of water for us to put it up and decorate it. Sure wish I could show you my girls' Christmas photo, but it hasn't been taken yet. Sure wish I could name all of the wonderful gifts that I've gotten for everyone, but there aren't any. All of this to say, I am stressed! Life seems very demanding right now and I feel like I can't catch my breath. I am putting this on the blog because I know that my sweet friends who read it will say a prayer for me and that makes me feel better! Plus, I thought it might make all of you who haven't gotten everything done yet know that you aren't the only ones! Thanks for letting me vent! Love to all of you...and Christmas pictures soon!


Woodrich Family said...

Here's a prayer going up just for you! Love ya lots!

Kait said...

I am just reading this for the first time and I completely understand. I have been feeling the same way about getting EVERYTHING done this season. Just remember... your family is healthy, loved, warm, fed... Those are the most important things this season. AND, more importantly Christ still loves you even if all of those things NEVER get done. This is what I have to keep reminding myself. Praying for you this season!! Love you girl!!

sweetpeamorrow said...

sweet swet girl.....I totally is crazy getting everything ready for the Hoildays...but your sweet girls are what matter! I'll for sure pray for ya!!!

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