

Facebook Pictures (and snow!)

With me, everything is a photo opportunity. Today's inch of snow in Birmingham in March was no exception. While I was taking pictures of Robbie and Ellie, Robbie said, "Okay Ellie, smile for my new profile picture!" How funny that Facebook has put a whole new meaning into taking pictures!

As far as the snow goes, it's a really good thing that Ellie lives in Alabama. She was ready to go inside for her hot chocolate long before Robbie and I were. Of course, that could be because we have long johns and good gloves, while Ellie was wearing layers of clothes and a pair of my gloves! Mary Claire let us know that five minutes in the snow was long enough for her. It worked out perfectly where she napped while the rest of us played outside!

The best part of playing outside was that we actually have not one, but two sleds. Thanks to Bob Latham, we all had a blast going down the hill in the front yard and being stopped by the bushes! Ellie even went by herself a couple of times.

Well, I am sure that you'll see lots of snow pictures on other people's blogs, but I had to put them on ours, too! Enjoy!


Woodrich Family said...

Soooo pretty! I can't believe you guys have snow and we haven't had any new snow that has lasted more than a few hours since January. I'm jealous!

Unknown said...

I have no problem seeing your pictures! Your kids are so adorable, and I am sure you guys had a blast today. Thanks for sharing. I especially loved the picture of stopping in the bushes.

Rachael said...

How much fun! That was great that you guys had real sleds too! We had to get creative...we used a plastic laundry basket. Ha ha! Love the pictures!

Images by Freepik