


Ellie with the FAO Schwartz door greeters

The FDNY was outside of St. Paul's for a wedding, so I had to snap a picture

The El with Greg and Jingjing at Fig & Olive

In heaven at the American Girl store

This is how Mary Claire saw NYC...everyone had to comment about her propping her legs up!

This past week we have had the best time with my family in Philadelphia (Yardley, to be exact). We sure have missed Robbite, though!

Yesterday Mom and I ventured into New York City with both girls to meet my brother, Greg, and his girlfriend, Jingjing. Not only did we get to take the train into the city, but we got to ride in a cab, too. Okay, that last sentence sounds like I have lived under a rock my entire life, but I really meant it was exciting for Ellie. She was intrigued that she got to ride in a car with only a seatbelt, no carseat. Other highlights of the trip were a yummy lunch at Fig and Olive, seeing Ellie's face light up at the American Girl store, and playing on the big piano in FAO Schwartz. To wrap up the day we stopped at a yogurt place that Greg and Jingjing love called Pinkberry. Yumm-o! The only thing missing from our fun day was Uncle Nick. He was hiking somewhere preparing for an 80 MILE hiking trip this summer.

Of course, our favorite part of the whole adventure was that we got to hang out with Greg and Jingjing. They were super-sweet to take us around the city, and not once want to look at or do something for themselves. They just catered to Ellie the entire time. WE LOVE YOU GREG and JINGJING!


Stephanie Drew said...

i have several things to say about this...1)jealous, 2)can't wait for avery to see these pictures, 3)addison loved the picture of ellie in the american girl store...acutally, she loved the baby that ellie was playing with...4)pinkberry - Yumm-o
i know you had a great time. praying for a safe and uneventful flight today! miss you!

Lindsey said...

Hey! That is so fun that y'all got to visit New York!! Just wanted to say that we have the same stroller but in red and black. Isn't it wonderful?! My sister and sister-in-law told me how great it is once you have more than one kid. They were right! Hope y'all are doing great!

Images by Freepik