

A WOW Story!

This story begins where my last post left off. Last Friday I called Robbie at work to tell him that our air conditioning was just really not working downstairs. After a lengthy visit from a repair man, we found out that we needed a whole new unit for downstairs. Thus, the post about getting an air conditioner for my birthday.
Fast forward to Sunday. My parents drove in from Atlanta to see Ellie's dance performance today. We went to PF Chang's for my birthday dinner, then to church. At church our sermon was by Dave Ramsey on how to handle money wisely.
Now on to today... I was getting ready when my dad walked into our bathroom. He said, "Remember Dave Ramsey's sermon last night?" I nodded, very confused. My dad continued, "We want to pay it forward just like Dave Ramsey talked about. We are going to pay for your air conditioner."
I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or jump on my dad (he had a hip replacement a couple of years ago...probably not a good idea!).
Just this morning my grandfather called my dad and told him that they were giving each of thier kids some money, but the stipulation was that it had to be spent on bills. My dad politely declined, saying that they really didn't have any pressing bills to use it for. When my grandfather insisted, the lightbulb came on for my dad. So, now we are the proud owners of a brand spanking new air conditioner that is already working well. We are even more proud of this awesome story that shows just how much God takes care of us, even when we least expect it. Thanks for letting me you all!

{Of course, thank-you to Pop, Mom, Papa and Mama for being so unselfish...


Unknown said...

That is a WOW story indeed! God is awesome.

JJ said...

Yay Jen! that is awesome! God is always good and I loved hearing that story. We miss you!

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