

Shoe Saga

*UPDATE: Ellie's white Keds from last year do fit, so she is wearing those tomorrow. We'll save the new kicks for PE day! :)
Ellie starts 'school' tomorrow. That means getting out the lunchbox, the backpack, school clothes, and shoes. Easy, right? Wrong. Today I took sweet El shoe shopping and it was awful. My little chickie wears dresses or cute little outfits everyday to school. That's just the kind of mom that I am. I know, I have a problem. Finding shoes to go with these outfits that fit Ellie is impossible. She has a very narrow heel. Let's be honest...what kid can't wear Keds? What kid can't go into Stride-Rite and find something? I was even willing to let her get sparkly shoes. Okay, enough, read on!
We were at the Galleria having lunch, so I thought we would go to Stride-Rite to find something. I was super-excited because they were having a buy one, get one half-off sale. Yeah! I can get two pairs and be done! Nope. After trying on literally ten pairs of shoes, I bought a pair of gold tennis shoe things for $55 that I really didn't even like. I took the girls to the car and decided to make the trek to Sikes in Homewood. Another $55 later, I have some more tennis-shoe like shoes that I am not totally in love with. I was going to call it a day and go home, but I decided to try Kicks in Hoover. We got Ellie's school shoes for the beginning of the year there last year. They were pink New Balances that velcroed, and I really didn't like them, but I was going to have a baby the next day, and they fit. The only thing at Kicks that worked was the same pink New Balances. So, I bought them. Sure, they're cute, but how cute will they be with a little bishop dress? The little Morgan & Milos that I tried so very hard to make fit would have look so much better! Even the sweet sales guy was giving me looks because he could see how desperately I wanted the 'cute' shoes to fit. (Alright, EVERY sales person in EVERY shoe store was giving me these looks!)
Since we were having so much fun galavanting around Birmingham to find a four-year-old shoes, I took all three pairs to Mary and Bob's to let Mary see which ones fit best. The winner? The good old pink New Balances. Oh, but wait, they are so much better this year...we get laces!

The quick version: Ellie tried on lots of SUPER CUTE shoes, but her foot is so narrow, that nothing but a blah tennis shoe will work! I guess all of her school pictures for now will have to be waist-up! :) And don't worry blog friends (all three of you!), I will keep you informed about the never-ending shoe quest!


Teresa said...

Add me to your faithful blog reader list :)

The shoes are cute though, hope tomorrow is a great day for her. I would love to be her teacher.

Woodrich Family said...

And here I was feeling frustrated that Rachel didn't fit in any cute shoes because her feet are fat! I guess you can't ever win! I feel your pain, my dear. I also look forward to any future shoe finds. Afterall, I had a fetish for shoes when I was younger, but my love of kids' shoes far surpasses even that old fetish!!

Corey said...

Wow, Jaxon is so easy right now for that kind of thing. I'll get to see what you mean in a few years with Macey! Love reading about it though! How did school go?

Stephanie Drew said...

sweet ellie. hope she had a great day at school and i need to see a picture of the gold shoes please.

Stacey said...

Maybe you should try They have free shipping both ways and they carry loads of children's shoes. At least that would save you the trouble of driving all over town!

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