

So Hard to Believe...

...that Mary Claire is one!...Ellie started school this a four-year-old!


Woodrich Family said...

What cute little girls! Man, we're old!!

Fuller Family said...

Happy Birthday to Mary Claire!!! She could not be any cuter!
Hard to believe Ellie is going to school!!!! Ummm.... we are getting old. Please come play with us one day! I think Collins would totally dig MC!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Mary Claire!! You are becoming such a big girl like your sister! Ellie is too cute heading off to school!

Corey said...

Wow, already one? I can't believe it!! It seems like just yesterday we were all pregnant together in GKGW!

Unknown said...

time does go by so fast! She was four months old when I met you. I just have to know where you got the ladybug dress, M&M loves them.

Stacey said...

Happy Birthday! We'll call you this weekend! Love, Stacey, Trenton, and Sévrine

Stephanie Drew said...

two of my favorite girls! love the lathams!

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