

Seconds, Please!

Little Mary Claire might be the second child, but she is not letting Ellie get one-up on her anywhere or anytime. Grandmama and Granddaddy bought Ellie an anywhere chair (from Kid's Market!). When Ellie even thinks about sitting in it, MC is right there with her.
Another fun Kid's Market find (from the grandparents again!) was this trampoline. It talks when you jump on it...lots of noise, but great for using up all of that four-year-old energy. Believe or not, MC loves it, too! (HA!) She likes for one of us to put her on the trampoline, then she stands up and just stands there thinking she is the coolest thing ever!


Unknown said...

too cute! At least with having both girls it isn't a bad thing when the youngest wants everything tinkerbell, too! lol

Stephanie Drew said...

i didn't know it was the exact same trampoline...yayy! the girls will love love love it...and addison has more fun than avery!

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