

Graceland, Baby!

As if our trip to the Gold Strike wasn't enough, we also went to Graceland with some of my mom's brothers and sisters. We figured if we were that close to Memphis, going to Graceland was a must. Below are some really random pictures that I took, because they were the parts of the tour that caught my eye.
Elvis had a definite pension for fabric (just like I do!). This picture was taken in the gameroom in his basement. The walls and the ceiling were both covered in this wild fabric. I really liked the way it is gathered at the top. (No flash photos were allowed.)

This is Priscilla Pressley's wedding dress. The beading on the neckline and the sleeves was intricate and so classically done. It did, however, bother me that all of this money has been spent to make the museum great, but they put this incredible dress on a form where you can see the nipples. Maybe a bra with a little padding would have helped. Anyway...

The memorial garden that Elvis had constructed before he died was interesting. There were tons of tributes to him from all over the world. This was one from Japan.

This is one of the many jumpsuits that we saw. You'll read in a second why it's important. But what I wondered is if Elvis was the first person to wear this type of suit. And if so, who originally designed it?

The best part of Graceland? I found an awesome orange t-shirt in the gift shop that is obviously an homage to this jumpsuit. The shirt has a tiger head on it, and a picture of Elvis underneath it. Don't think I'll see anyone else with that shirt on on gamedays!!

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