

Want, Want, Want...

My friend Stephanie just posted a list of things she wants.  (A hint to all of her friends...go to Williams Sonoma!)  Just goes to show that we really are great friends, because I have been contemplating making my own list of what I would like for Christmas.  My list is a bit more 'revealing' than Stephanie's as you'll see!
So, here goes:
1.) A bra that is the right size from Fitting Touch.  They measure you for the perfect size bra...everyone I know who has done it has loved it!  I mean, how great would it be to have a bra that you actually want to put on in the mornings?!

2.) These cute little kicks that I saw at Belk the other day.  Kind of crazy looking, but I think so much fun!  Secretly the ones with animal prints are my favorite, but I have to be practical.  (Love the ones with the closed-back, but I haven't been able to find them in a size 35, only a 36.)

3.) A new vacuum cleaner.  The Oreck that was my parents is just not doing the job anymore.  We also have one of Robbie's parents' old vacuums, but I want a new one of my very own! :)  Preferably one with attachments...the stairs sure could use some attention.

4.) Go-to jeans.  You know, the pair that looks great on you and feel great on you.  Robbie has told me to go buy a pair, but I don't think he understands that I want the really nice ones!

5.) A Chi straightening iron.  I bought what I thought was going to be a good straightening iron at TJ Maxx a year ago, but just like vacuum cleaner, it's seen better days.  Word on the street is that Chis come with a lifetime warranty, so why not buy one?!

6.) A new piece of jewelry.  I always want nice jewelry.  Like a piece that's not flashy, but that I can wear everyday.  What I really covet is a David Yurman bracelet.  Or maybe a ring.  Not a really gaudy one, but one of the simple ones...perhaps with diamonds?!  (Yes Robbie, I know I am not getting this, but I can always wish, right?!)

7.) A van.  There.  I said it.  How wonderful to be able to get to my children when I need to and have space between their carseats!  Again, not your average Christmas present, but I'm just making a list, remember?!

8.) New clothes.  Lots and lots of new clothes!  Lots and lots of new clothes that aren't so blah and predictable.

9.) A North Face fleece.  I've just always thought I need one! :)  I'm pretty sure the girls will need the matching ones if I get one.

10.) I'm leaving this open because I am absolutely positive that I will think of more things that I need, er, want.
To make me feel better about such a selfish post, it's your turn to tell us what you want for Christmas!!  Can't wait!


Woodrich Family said...

What a fun list!! I always swore I wouldn't get a van until I had three kids. I finally caved when Kyler was only a year old and I wish I would have gotten one sooner!! I love it!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with so many of those it is too funny! I went to the Fitting Touch at the summit and loved it! Did you try on their jeans? They are so worth the money!!!! I may have to do my own list now...

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