

He Knows!

Psalm 37:4 ~ Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Friday we had plans to play with some sweet friends who have recently moved (I'll tell you about them in a second).  Instead, Ellie woke up with a fever.  That meant staying home all day long.  I love to be moving and grooving and on the go, so being in my house for a full day is like a prison sentence.  Every morning I have been praying for productive days.  Well, this was my answer.  I hate it that Ellie had a fever, but I sure got a lot done.  (Plus, everyone needs a day to eat breakfast on the couch!)
That's where the friends that were going to come play come in.  Stephanie, Allen, Avery, and Addison are a family that we absolutely love.  They moved to Mobile a few months ago to start a church, Coastline Community.  We went for their opening service, and it was incredible.  If you are ever in the Spanish Fort/Daphne/Mobile area, go check it out!
As if starting a new church wasn't enough of an 'addition' to their family, they are also expecting a new baby in April!  AND, it's a boy, so he can't wear all of Avery and Addisons' clothes, use their pink toys, sleep in pink sheets, etc.   Stephanie and little Anderson needed a shower!
With all of the spare time on my hands, I thought it would be a fabulous idea to make a quilt for this precious boy.  Oh, you're a quilter?  No, actually.  I have never made a quilt in my life.  Oh.  
See, I needed that Friday at home!  Not only did I finish the quilt, but I also made a cute little banner for the centerpiece at the shower.

I got some much-needed girl time!
I'm not saying this to tell you how wonderful I am, but to prove that God knows me better than I do!  The morning of the shower, Ellie's fever was gone, and I had fun getting everything ready to go.  On the way to the shower instead of stressing about what didn't get done, I had one of the best prayer times I have had in forever.  I was in desperate need of me and God time.  Do you ever just get in your car and start yammering to God?  It's such an awesome stress reliever.  Worried that people will think you're talking to yourself?  Nope.  They will think you're on speaker phone.  And besides, who really cares?!  
Thank-you, Jesus, for knowing my heart, knowing my needs, and answering my prayers.  And thank-you for a day to celebrate Anderson and Stephanie!


Stephanie Drew said...

indeed...He does know! so thankful for you and what your family means to the drew family!

Corey said...

I love the quilt!! You did an awesome job!!!

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