


All of the boys at Ellie's school play super hero on the playground.  Not wanting to be left out, Ellie told her granddaddy that she wanted a super hero name, too.  Tell that granddaddy anything, and he'll make it happen.  Really.  He instantly ordered every, and I mean every, Wonder Woman DVD.  Of course, she loves them.
Unfortunately, Wonder Woman costumes and clothes are hard to find.  And yes, even silly me who only lets the girls wear characters on panties or pjs is willing to let Ellie wear a Wonder Woman t-shirt!  The first thing Ellie wanted to know when we found the t-shirt is if she could wear it to bed that night.  Imagine her face when I told her she could wear public!  The day she put it on, I laid out a pair of jeans for her to wear, too.  It made me feel a teensy bit bad when she had to ask me to help her put the jeans on because she never wears them!!  
To be an even better mommy, I let her wear this outfit to see our family in Atlanta.  Stay tuned for that fun post!! But for now, here's my Wonder Girl!!

1 comment:

The Tolberts said...

i LOVE it!! she just keeps on getting cuter!!

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