

Just Grand!

Whoever coined the term 'grandparent' was a genius.  I am reminded of this every time we visit with any of our parents.  This past weekend the girls and I traveled to Atlanta to see Nana and Papa and to celebrate cousin James' first birthday.
Nana had every snack known to man in her pantry, and Papa was ready to dole it out at any time.  Even right before a meal.  Even right before bed time.  He was also ready to wrestle with the bigger girls and play Captain Hook.  Nana's arms were itching to hold babies, and my arms were screaming for a break.  This would have been perfect, but Mary Claire decided that she was going to be a 'poonch.'  (This is our endearing name for our little lovey when she is less than happy.  I guess it comes from the word 'punchy,' and somehow we added the 'oo' sound, like in the word 'food.')
Anyhow, we had a fantastic time.  The girls get spoiled with love and food, and I get spoiled with a break (when poonch will let me!!).
I think these pictures are perfect proof of a 'grand' time!  
(Yes, I know, the first two pictures are not great.  Anyone who can get four kids to look in the same direction and smile deserves a prize!)

And here's proof that we really do have a poonch at our house...

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Look at all those teeth James has! Peanut is just one month shy of one and she still has only her two bottom teeth!

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