

Same Post, Different Date

This is one hot mama reporting from Hoover.  And I mean hot.  In keeping with tradition, the air conditioner upstairs has decided to quit working mere weeks before my birthday.
We have a few options:
1.) Set up camp downstairs and pray that Ellie won't tell her teacher and everyone that we know that we all sleep downstairs on pallets.
2.) Sleep naked and pray that our children never have to experience such a disturbing site.
3.) Wear my hair curly everyday, take cold showers, and pour ice water on ourselves when we get toasty.  Then pray that the children will not catch colds from such actions.
4.) Quit throwing a pity party for myself and just be happy that I have a house with not one, but two air conditioning units.
Because I love my family and want us to be sweat-free, I am thinking number four is the best option!  Cool days to all of you!!

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