

The 'Vator

At Auburn, I lived in the same dorm on campus for three years.  I really got to know Leischuck Hall inside and out!  Over time, the elevator became affectionately known as 'the 'vator' because we spent so much time in it!
Last night Robbie and I got to know another elevator really well.  Just the two of us went to the Summit to celebrate our sweet friend Abby's birthday.  
The first floor of the parking deck was full, so we had to park on the second floor.  We hopped on the elevator with another guy, and were ready to go.  Except that the elevator wasn't ready.  The door closed, Robbie pushed the '1,' and nothing happened.  He tried again.  Nothing.  The other guy tried.  Nothing.  We decided we would wait for a minute to give it a chance to move.  Nothing.  Robbie pressed the emergency phone button, and a not-too-concerned lady from the elevator company informed us that she couldn't get in touch with any maintenance people, but to just hang on.  Yep, not going anywhere, lady.  Meanwhile, Robbie and our new friend Neil tried to pry the door open, and even pushed on the ceiling.  Nothing.  The elevator lady tells us that it will be about forty-five minutes before someone can come help us.  Excuse me?!  It's at least a hundred degrees inside the elevator, and I am starting to get a little worried.  I call Abby, and she has her husband Trey go get security.  They can't do anything either.  A good thirty minutes into the ordeal, we hear fire engine sirens.  Security got worried that we were so hot in the elevator, that they called the fire department.  I'm not really sure what happened at this point, but the door opened, we were on the first floor, and the fire department didn't have to do anything.  Turns out the breaker needed to be flipped.  Medics were waiting if we needed them, and Abby was there with her camera documenting the whole thing!

I had my camera in my purse to take pictures of the birthday girl.  Instead, I got some fun candid shots (HA!) of being stuck in the 'vator!


Abby Warren said...

hope you weren't traumatized! glad y'all finally made it out though!

Fuller Family said...

I would have totally freaked out! Glad you survived. Did you go to Chuys? I'm sure that helped with your recovery ;)

The Hoppers said...

That's one of my nigh fears! I never want to be on there wi a lot of people in case it breaks down. I need to be able to sit down. So glad y'all weren't in there for long!

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