

Stalking, Er, Browsing Pays Off!

So one day last week I was stalking browsing other people's blogs.  I saw that someone (couldn't for the life of me tell you whose blog it was) had a post called 'New Favorite App.'  Not being the most up-to-date iPhone user, I thought the link was worth clicking.  And it was!!  The app is called Instagram.  It lets you take a picture, then apply all kinds of fun settings to it.  I'm sure the app is capable of much more, but again, right now I'm just basic!  Oh, and it's FREE!!
I really only use the camera on my phone to say, take a picture of a case of beer at Publix because it has 'Ellie' AND 'Avery' in the name of the beer.  (Avery is one of Ellie's sweet friends.)  Don't really need a fancy app for that.
Now I can start using my camera more AND an app!!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

The HDR mode of the iPhone camera takes decent quality pics. Don't forget the free Photoshop app!

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