

Flying Alone. With Three Kids.

Whenever I tell someone I'm travelling to see my family in Pennsylvania, he or she gets a warm smile.  When I tell that person that it's just me and the kids going, the smile fades a bit.  Then when I say that we're flying, a look of sheer panic spreads across his or her face.  I find myself having to explain why I can do this.
One: My husband and several other people are praying for me the whole time I travel.
Two: This is the only way I can see all of my family at one time in one place.
Three: My mantra on the plane is, 'whatever works.'  Candy, iPad, coloring, a bajillion snacks.  Doesn't matter.  If they're quiet, everyone around us is happy and I feel relaxed.
Why yes, that is a ring pop in Robert's mouth.
For this particular trip, we had direct flights both ways.  That was a blessing.  To put it in the girls' perspective, it was 'one movie on the iPad' long.  So doable.
I have had layovers, though, and that can be done, too.  Always have a stroller.  Always be on the lookout for the family restrooms, and even if everyone says they don't need to go potty, USE these family restrooms!
The biggest deterrent for me about flying is the price!  Thankfully my mom and stepdad are incredibly generous in buying our tickets.
Don't get me wrong.  You won't see me sashay off the plane looking like a million bucks with a wonderfully positive attitude!  But it's only a couple of hours, and for time with my family, it's totally worth it!!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Too funny, love the ring pop!

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