


This year we only had one ballerina.  Ellie chose cheer, and opted out of ballet.  But you already knew that.
We were so excited to see Mary Claire in her beautiful blue costume dancing away!  Thankfully we got to see her at dress rehearsal the night before the performance, because we didn't get to see the real thing.  Poor MC came down with a nasty stomach bug as she was finishing t-ball Saturday morning.  Robbie thought it may have been lack of water, but throwing up turned into throwing up with a fever.  Boo.
But, like I said, thank goodness for dress rehearsal!!  I love the way Briarwood does their spring performance.  Friday night the sweet little ballerinas do their entire show with mamas and daddies snapping cameras, videoing, and flashing those cell phones to their hearts' contents.  Don't even think about bringing any of those electronics to Saturday's performance.  No sir.  The only videoing going on is the professional videographer whose DVD you can buy.  I always thought it was a bit much, but realized the first year how wonderful watching the show was.  You know, just sitting and watching.  Not dodging multiple parents to get one good look at my child, not making sure the battery on the video camera is charged, not angling for that perfect shot.  
This year I have a whole new appreciation for dress rehearsal, as that's the only show we saw.  And it was precious.  Just precious.  The theme was 'All the Children of the World,' so the ballerinas appropriately sang 'Jesus Loves the Little Children' to start the show.
Then MC's class represented Brazil with their dance.  Loved it!
And of course, Audrey was there, too!  (Last year, her mom and I decided God really wanted them to be friends when He put them in the same class at preschool, then put them in the same ballet class.  We had never even discussed ballet!)
God also knew that MC would not be at her performance the next day, and gave Robbie and I the idea to go ahead and take pictures that night.  :)
 As always, we got a great picture of the three kids together...
 Sweet Sister Love
We are so proud of how hard Mary Claire has worked in ballet this year.  It was quite evident in her performance!  (Her costume was pretty cute, too!)

1 comment:

Jeremy and Michelle said...

Precious! Great pic of you and MC and Robbie and MC :)

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