Mary Claire showed off her blossoming ballet skills on a day where we all got to observe her class. (It was also a day that her mommy had to be in charge of the Christmas Brunch at school and forgot this sweet ballerina's tights.)

And here is our girl with her best friend, Audrey. These two went to preschool together for three years. This year has been different not getting to see Audrey everyday, so we are thankful for ballet each Thursday!
Thursday is also Ellie's favorite day because Audrey's sister, Ella, is there and so is her friend Lily!! They are silly and fun, and I love watching them!
This year, in addition to seeing Santa, we also saw Aubie Claus. The kids may have liked him better...
This picture makes everyone laugh because Robbie looks like he just happened upon a random family, stopped and smiled for a sec, then was on his merry way.
On the 21st we went to one of our church's Christmas services. This year was extra-special because Grandmama, Miss Anna, AND Mr. Blake joined us! (Mr. Blake is Miss Anna's friend that's a boy. He plays football at the Naval Academy. We are pretty much in awe of him!)
Exhausted after a fun night (and incredibly slow service at Cracker Barrel. But mostly a fun night)!!
On the 23rd we flew to Pennsylvania to spend Christmas with my mom, stepdad, and two brothers. Robbie was sick. Like he had a fever and was completely miserable. We had three kids and five suitcases. I'm sure we looked like a hot mess.
The girls got to sit across the aisle from us on one of the flights, and they thought they were hot stuff!!
This is a great example of how we roll on trips. Whatever anyone wants, they can have. On our layover in Atlanta I'm pretty sure Robert had four Oreos for his lunch. While sitting on the floor. Survival mode.
The kids were super-excited to finally get to Grandmother and Grandpop's house. Of course they had put up every light they could find outside and the Christmas tree was decked out.
After so many fun festivities, Christmas is finally here!!
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