

Baby Bonanza!

The Latham Family has had one fun weekend! Ellie and I started play group on Friday morning, then on Friday night we had Supper Club at our house. Our supper club started about four years ago with all of us being newlyweds. As you can see from the pictures, we now have FOUR little chickies with one on the way! Plus, one couple couldn't make it because they just had Baby Ash join Big Brother Kyler. Baby Austin (Aw-den to Ellie) wasn't there, either. All together, that makes SEVEN Supper Club kiddies! God is so awesome!
Saturday Robbie and I went to the Auburn game with another couple. Despite losing to Mississippi State (nope, that's not a typo!), it was fun showing our friends how wonderful Auburn's campus is. Plus, we just had a good time hanging out with other adults without our kids! Ellie had a great time playing with their two kids, so it worked out just perfectly (well, except for the whole losing thing).
Today we got to watch Robbie and his football team, The Fire flys, win! Please feel free to tease Robbie about the name of their is actually sponsored by our friends' store, Fireflies & Fairytales (great children's boutique here in B'Ham).
Once again, just thinking about our weekend makes me feel so blessed. At our wedding, our main Bible verse was, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his footsteps." Of course we want friends to have fun with, but I could never imagine that God would give us so many incredible people to share our lives with.

Ellie, Robbie, and Baby Ash

Supper Club kids! Ellie, Baby Benedict, Cooper, James, and Mallory

(Ellie had had a long night, as had the other chickies!)

1 comment:

Ash said...

It was fun seeing you guys tonight! Robbie has "lost a step" since high school football though - you can qoute me on that to Robbie! :) Ellie really should be in print adds! - Hey, as Fergie would say, Ellie would be livin' "First Class...Glamorous!"

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