

Busy Bees

So, I should be cleaning my house right now, but instead I decided to come post some more pictures of sweet Ellie! We decided that we would have Thanksgiving at our house this year, rather than at Bob and Mary's. Normally, they use their regular dining room table, then Bob concocted a table made of a door on top of some legs. We sure will miss watching everyone be very careful when they sit down and stand up, being sure not to knock the door off of the legs!
Yesterday, Ellie had a 'feast' at school with all of the two-year-old classes. She was totally in her element, getting to wear a headdress and a shirt that she 'made.' The best part was that she really thought it was a birthday party! I have tried and tried to explain to her that we are celebrating how happy we are that Jesus has given us so much, but she insists that all of that food was for someone's birthday! We need to start talking about Christmas now...!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and know that the Lathams are extremely thankful for YOU!


JJ said...

So cute! Happy Thanksgiving..
Love the Jonases

Stephanie Drew said...

love your little pilgrim!

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