

Too Big...

We just got back from a last-minute beach trip, and boy was it fun! So, here I am downloading pictures to show off, and I was looking at our friends' blogs while I was waiting for them to download. First of all, we have all been blessed with incredibly beautiful babies! Seeing their pictures makes me realize that our Ellie is really a toddler now, and not just a baby! Of course, she'll always be her mommy's little chickie! More later on the beach trip with pictures to boot, but we have to go eat dinner then head to bed! Here is a picture that proves my 'big girl' point!


JJ said...

So cute! She is so big. It seems like yesterday we were babysitting that girl as a baby! Love you...

Stephanie Drew said...

such a precious big girl...she'll always be your baby, though. (i feel like i'm reciting an old mariah carey song...).

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