

Merry Christmas!

Princess Ellie!

Another matching outfit...we have to do it now while they're young!

Ellie's new ride!

I just want to kiss this face!

Matching reindeer pjs from Nana!

Ellie and Charlotte Christmas Eve

Today Robbie, Ellie, and I did something way out of the ordinary...we stayed home ALL day! What a treat to spend time with my two favorite people, not having to share them with anyone! We all needed a down-day after a whirlwind Christmas.
Last week, my mom flew in from Pennsylvania, and stayed until Sunday. As soon as we dropped her off at the airport, we went to Atlanta to spend Christmas with my family there. Yesterday we drove back to Birmingham and celebrated Christmas with Robbie's family. I feel great knowing that I got to see so much of my family during such a special time of year!
At my family's house in Atlanta, we open all of our presents from our family Christmas Eve, then Santa comes that night. Watching Charlotte and Ellie open presents together was fun...then seeing them Christmas morning was even better because they had both gotten a good night's sleep! Ellie got a car Christmas morning that you push with your feet. She loves it! We never told her that Santa brought these toys, because we are still trying to decide what to do about the whole Santa thing! But, she never asked!
Of course, the best part of Christmas was getting to tell our little girl why we make such a big deal out of this time of year. Being a parent makes Christmas that much more special because we know how miraculous the birth of a child really is! Just imagine when your child is the Savior of the world!


JJ said...

I bet Ellie had a blast! Can't wait to see you guys soon.

Rachael said...

How much fun! She's so precious. Glad to see you guys had a great Christmas and glad to see that you blog!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

I could eat her up! she is tooo cute!

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