

Lesson Learned...

As cute as it is to watch Ellie pull a chair up to the stove to help mommy cook, I will never, ever do that again! From now on, Ellie will only be helping stir or 'cook' at the counter. Last night she touched the eye of the stove when it was on HIGH, and got a nice little burn on her finger. Of course I was standing right there next to her, which is when tragedies always happen. After a visit to Children's Hospital downtown, where we were sent to the Burn Unit, we know that Ellie has a severe second-degree burn on her right index finger tip. If it had been much worse, we would have been facing surgery. Talk about feeling like a terrible mother! Only when I stopped crying, put my hand on her, and prayed out loud did I feel better. Doesn't it always happen that way?!
As for Ellie, she is great! You would never know that she has a boo-boo except for the hot pink band-aid on her finger. She actually told us, "That was fun!" as we were leaving the hospital. She did get a sticker, a coloring book, apple juice, and a little blue robe to wear. So, I guess to a two-and-a-half-year-old, her emergency room trip was pretty fun!
Love to all of you!


Stephanie Drew said...

avery said a sweet prayer for her finger last glad the 'burn unit' experience was fun for her...and so glad their little minds don't know how bad things can really be.
we love you and missed you last night!

Rodney and Mary Ann King said...

Jenn....our first trip to children's er was when beau was 6 weeks old because he rolled off the couch while I was sitting next to him...I cried for days! It always seems to happen when Mom's are right there..So glad Ellie is okay. Love you guys!
Mary Ann

Rachael said...

I am so glad she is okay. The exact same thing happened to Josiah two weeks ago. We were cooking spaghetti and I turned around for just a split second and he put his hand on top of the hot burner. The crazy thing is I told him not to touch it right before I turned around. He claims he did not hear me because I had Rick and Bubba playing on the radio too loud. I wasn't worried about him doing this...he's almost four, has been helping me cook for years, and has NEVER tried it. I also learned my lesson! He did too...he has no desire to come anywhere close to the stove. We missed you guys Tuesday...I am so thankful Ellie is okay!

Woodrich Family said...

It's amazing how everyone has a story to share. Don't worry, you're a perfectly wonderful mom. These things just happen. At least it was just a finger and not worse. I remember sitting with my fingers in a cup of ice water after touching the iron, so I must have been pretty old and my dad was right there ironing his uniform. Kids are just so tough!

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