

Ellie and the Ultrasound

With the new baby on the way, we are trying to include Ellie in everything that we do. So, last Wednesday when I had my ultrasound, Robbie and I thought it would be a great chance for Ellie to 'see' the baby. Of course, she had no clue what she was looking at, nor did she really seem to care that the baby is a girl. After all, she has been saying since the day we told her I was pregnant that the baby was a girl! Robbie and I are happy we took her, though!

If you are wondering what we are naming our new little chickie, just ask Ellie. She'll tell you that the baby's name is Coco. Or, as she told me yesterday, Aunt Mary Margaret Coco. I told her that Coco is not a family name, so we can't use it! Guess we better start thinking of something soon, or we may be stuck with a little Coco!

Enjoy the picture of Ellie on the ultrasound table! Love you all!

1 comment:

Stephanie Drew said...

you and courteney least she has good taste. but what else would we expect - she's YOUR child!

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