

Beach Bums

Ellie was very distraught watching our friends rise the ferris wheel.

Obviously, Avery is more experienced with lipstick than Ellie!

Ellie and I were lucky enough to get to go to the beach this past week. A friend of mine, Stephanie, and her two girls, Avery (almost 4) and Addison (1), invited us to come stay with them. Of course, we had the best time in the world. What a treat to get to go somewhere with a built-in friend for Ellie at all times! People looked at Stephanie and me in a very 'bless their hearts' kind of way when we went out with all three girls, but for us it was easy!
Ellie and Avery not only entertained each other, but made Stephanie and me laugh a lot, too. You'll see one picture where they found Stephanie's lipstick...they thought they looked just gorgeous with lipstick smeared all over their faces! And since we were at the beach, we just let them stay that way! They also constantly call each other 'ma'am' which makes me tickled. Ellie really is a true Southerner!
I have so many fun pictures from the week, so I tried to pick the best ones to post.
We love you Drew're wonderful!


Stephanie Drew said...

we had such a fun time too! avery loves ellie...and she's going to be such a good big sister. addison LOVED her! i can still hear her saying "hey ellie"

Stephanie Drew said...

and, my blog will be up again soon...

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