

Cousins...Times Three!

I always tuck Ellie's dress into her bloomies, so she was showing us her buns!

This weekend my brother, sister-in-law, and niece all came to see Mary Claire. As always, we had a great visit with them. Charlotte and Ellie were best buds the first day together, but by the second day, I heard things like doors slamming and name calling. Normally I wouldn't tolerate this behavior from Ellie, but I think it's just a taste of what's to come with girl cousins who share a birthday!

Sunday after church we let the girls choose where to eat, and they picked McDonald's. After we finished eating, we let them play on the playground. (Yes, I still have a hard time letting Ellie play anywhere other than Chick-fil-a! Those playplace things gross me out!) Anyway, they had a great time and Ellie cried when Charlotte had to go back home.

The best part of our visit was seeing all THREE girls together! Plus, now Quinn and Tyler are expecting another little one in March. If it's a boy, we'll have to let him spend lots of time with Uncle Robbie and Tyler so that he can be extra-manly in spite of all of these girls!

We love you, Kelley Family!
(Did anyone else notice that I failed to take a picture of all three of the girls together?! Nana and Papa will not be happy!)


Stephanie Drew said...

i love ellie showing her bottom. that's classic.

Fuller Family said...

I love all your pics! I am so glad that everything is going great! I can't get over how much MC looks like Ellie! Both beautiful!

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