

TWO Weeks and One Day!

Well, the Lathams have made it another week as a family of four! Mary Claire is sleeping more at night, which has been wonderful! I had forgotten how much you have to wake up with a newborn!
Ellie has had a better week. She just loves her baby sister, but is still getting used to the fact that Mary Claire is here to stay. I have also been working hard on spending more one-on-one time with Ellie, so that has seemed to help, too. I knew that with some prayer and patience, things would start to work out!
Here are some pictures from the last week.
Here is Ellie before school one morning. She did not want to go! Can you tell?! Of course, once we got in the car, she was fine.
Nana came to help us out for a few days, and Papa got to join us for a day, too! We had lots of fun visiting with them! (Plus, they took us out for Mexican food, so I was VERY happy!)
Our only family picture so far! We'll have to work on that!
We took Ellie and Mary Claire to visit Robbie's grandmother the other day. Ellie's favorite part of visiting is that she gets to talk into the microphone so that Grandmother Latham can hear her. EVERY picture we have of Ellie from this day is her talking in that silly microphone!
This picture is funny to me because it looks like Ellie and Mary Claire are playing. In truth, Mary Claire is ready for someone to rescue her!


Stephanie Drew said...

oh these days are so sweet...and will soon be a distant memory. they are both growing fast! can't wait to see you!

JJ said...

So cute! thanks for the sweet message!

Recipes from the Lombard Clan said...

Congrats on Mary Claire! She is so cute! I love the picture of them on the bed. Precious! I am so excited for that time with Parker and Micah. I officially signed Parker up for Kindermusik today. I am excited! Your comment helped me make my decision. I needed to hear from someone who had done it before. I think Parker will love it! I am sure I will blog about it. Congrats again! I am sure you are so happy!
Lindsey Mills

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