


I've said it before, but Robbie is a lucky guy. He was born in Birmingham, went home to the house in Hoover where his parents still live, went to school in Hoover, and is now back in Hoover. To Robbie this may seem like a boring life, but to a person who has doesn't have a 'hometown,' Robbie is blessed!
One part of being in one place for so long is having life-long friends. Last week we got to hang out with Michael, Robbie's friend from preschool. This week, Robbie's childhood friend Robert and his wife Liz came to stay with us. They are the sweet couple that invited us to come stay in DC with them for four days two years ago. While we were there, we got to see the Queen and the President, plus take a stellar tour of the White House. As you all know, we don't have anything of that caliber to offer, but we did enjoy just spending some time with fun friends! Now, they are off to London where Robert is going to work for a well-known consulting firm and Liz is going to Oxford for her masters. (Yes, people, I do feel rather unintelligent next to these two!!) Of course, we are already planning our trip to London!
And, what would a post be without the El?! She L-O-V-E-D having company! Not only did they stay in her room so she got to sleep on the floor in our room, but they played with her, talked to her, and made her feel like a pretty special girl! As you'll notice in the pictures, Mr. Robert and Ms. Liam (she called Liz this for a good two days because one of our friends just had a baby named Liam!...we're hoping she doesn't call the baby boy Liz!) were not left alone for one second while they were at our house!
Thanks, Robbie, for having such awesome friends that I can love, too!
Robert had a 'taking a break from the real-world' beard that Ellie watched him shave!
The girls laughing hysterically at Mr. Robert!

Robert and Ellie at McWane Center...did I mention how much fun with we had with Robert and Liz?!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Michelle said...

LOVE the pic of the girls laughing to hard!!! So glad you caught it! Too cute!

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