

Yes...and No

Yes, the girls and I were in a little fender bender two days ago. No, no one was seriously hurt. Yes, I was gripping the steering wheel too tightly and yes, I did fracture a small bone between my thumb and wrist. No, this black cast will not match my brown Volatile flip flops or the bronze ones. Yes, you all will have to suffer with fewer and shorter blog posts since I can't type very well. (HA! HA!)
No, flip flops, typing, and casts don't matter at all. What really matters is that my precious chickies are okay and that I know that my Heavenly Father is forever protecting us! Just look at my Bible verse of the day...
A man’s steps are established by the Lord, and He takes pleasure in his way. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, because the Lord holds his hand.
Psalm 37:23-24 - HCSB©


Fuller Family said...

Oh no! I do like the black cast though, so much more stylish than white!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

So glad everyone is ok - how is the car - does this mean you can get your minivan now ? :)

Unknown said...

you mean you didn't go for the lime green or hot pink cast?!!!! Hope you heal up quickly and glad everyone made it out okay!

Woodrich Family said...

Oh my! I'm so glad you and the girls are okay! We'll be praying for a quick recovery!

JJ said...

I didn't know! So glad you are all okay! love and miss

Teresa said...

How did you even know to go to get your wrist checked out????

Is there a new car in the works?

Stacey said...

Heal quickly!

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