

Bunco is Rad!

(Awkward prom pose picture!  You just had to see the black pantyhose and lovely corsage!)
Once a month I get a special treat...I get to go play Bunco!  I love it because it requires zero thought, I get to have a night off from cooking dinner, and I get to spend time with some precious people.  This month we all had to come dressed up for Halloween. 
A few weeks ago at Kid's Market, I had my eye on this sequined red dress.  I waited until half-price day to buy it, so thankfully it was still there!  (I think you'll see why!)  The dress was perfect to be a 1980's prom queen costume.  Once I had the dress, all I needed was some gaudy jewelry, big hair (have that anyway!), and of course, blue eye shadow.  (Check out Danna's sexy witch outfit!) 

My mother-in-law also plays Bunco with me.  She has known for about two months that she was going to be a gypsy.  Her costume was by far the best one there...complete with dirty feet and hands!  (Oh yeah, and a very gypsy-like attitude!!)

There was also a nineteen fifties housewife, Uncle Sam, and lots more creative costumes.
To top off a fun night, I actually won a prize!!  I NEVER win anything at Bunco!  I warned the group that they may be seeing more of this red dress...too bad the sequins under my arms get a little itchy!!


Jan said...

Jen, You are always saying how much you love our Bonco group. I agree with you. I also love it and look forward to it each month. As I was praying today and Thanking the Lord for our group, He reminded me how blessed we all truly are to have a group that are belivers and can have fun together. We have been together for five years and I am looking forward to many, many more years. I can't wait to see what next year's Halloween party will bring!!!
Love you,

Jan said...

That would be Bunco or Bonco!! LOL!!It's time for me to go to bed!!

Stephanie Drew said...

these are incredible! i absolutely love it...and so wish i couldve been there! have a great weekend!!

Stacey said...

I don't think I would have recognized my own mother if you hadn't pointed her out. OMG!

Woodrich Family said...

That's looks like a blast!! I'm so glad you have a group of ladies to get together with!!

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