

Still Here: A LOOOONG Post

For the new year, I decided to take a little break from blogging.  I spend entirely too much time on the computer and not enough time on my family, house, and God.  Well, good thing I took a break, because I honestly would not have had a free moment this last month to even glance at a blog.
Want a recap of our month?  Oh good...I'm so glad you said yes! :)
You all know that at the beginning of January, Robbie's grandmother died.  Just a weekend later, I drove to Augusta to see my sweet Pop (my dad's dad), who we found out had a brain tumor.  He was healthy enough to have an elective brain biopsy done, but something in my heart told me that I needed to visit with him before the biopsy.  What if he didn't survive the procedure?  What if the doctors started treatment immediately and he was never the same Pop?  Turns out it was really the Holy Spirit telling me to go because it was the last time I would see Pop.  And what a sweet time it was.  I got to sit in bed with Pop, help him get dressed, eat breakfast with him, and listen to him tell me stories about my dad; all uninterrupted.  It was really hard to see the Pop that could install windows for a needy friend just a few months before not be able to control his left side or walk unassisted.  For an 81-year-old, he was still sharp as a tack and could fix anything.  Again, it was just a really sweet time.
{Mom & Pop}
On my home from visiting Pop (and Mom, my grandmother...she is wonderful!), I got a strange text from Robbie: "On my way to the hospital. Think I may have appendicitis."  Yeah, totally not what you want to see while you're on a five-hour drive home from seeing an ailing loved one.  No appendicitis, but a five millimeter kidney stone instead.  Unfortunately, a kidney stone that size can't just be passed.  No, has to be, ahem, removed.  Let's just say that the surgery was Tuesday, and Robbie didn't go back to work until the next Tuesday.  It was bad. 
After such a yucky start to the month, I was over-the-moon excited to go to Michael and Jenny's wedding in California.  If a wedding reception at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Beach with only my hubby couldn't make me feel better, then I needed some medical help!  The day before we were scheduled to leave, my stepmom called to tell me that Pop had been moved to the hospice floor of the hospital.  Mama was going to come keep the girls, but she knew that she needed to be with my dad in Augusta.  So, the trip to California was no longer.  Again, the Holy Spirit told me no matter how badly I wanted to get on that plane to a trip with no responsibilities, I needed to stay home.  Robbie went and had a fabulous time.
My Pop had a hard two days in hospice before he went to Heaven on Thursday night, January 21. When he was conscious, Pop was so excited to go to Heaven.  The Sunday before he died, he called and told me, "See you in Heaven, Jenny-Poo."  Heartbreaking for me, but comforting for Pop. 
The funeral and burial were incredible.  Just hearing people speak of Pop's love for the Lord gave me a new yearning to know my Savior more.  While we are all still so sad, we have to constantly remind ourselves that Pop is for-sure, most-definitely in Heaven.  Like I said, incredible.
{I know this is a morbid picture to put on my blog, but I am so proud of Pop for being in the military.  There were three soldiers at his burial who honored Pop.  Plus, my brothers were palbearers, and I was very proud of them, too.}
If anyone is still actually reading, that's where I've been.  No precious pictures of the chicklets, but don't worry, the camera is ready for February.  And believe me, so are we!


Teresa said...

I read the whole thing!!! Love and miss you all so much :)

JJ said...

I've been thinking about you. I was so shocked when I heard Robbie went to LA without you, then I was so sad to hear of your pop's passing. I hope we can skype again soon! Love you!

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