

New Kicks

2 Samuel 22:34 ~ He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; He enables me to stand on the heights.
Before I write anything about MC's new shoe experience, I have to post a picture of my sweet Ellie.  For some reason, she's been MIA on the blog lately.  So, here she is ready to go with Daddy and Granddaddy to the Auburn basketball game.  (Could she look like anymore of a big girl?!)
Speaking of Ellie, it still amazes me how different my two girls are.  Mary Claire can be so stoic.  But, she can also be so silly!  Ellie is just always Ellie.  It's rare that you'll ever catch her being anything close to stoic.  This is MC's serious, I'm concentrating, taking-it-all-in face:
Now that she's gotten measured (which, by the way, her foot is W-I-D-E...told you my girls are different!!), she is warming up to things a little bit...
Hmmmm, people sure are giving me lots of attention with these big girl shoes on!  I'm kind of liking this...
Yep, I'm pretty much the cutest thing in this store.
Check out these pink wonders...
Give me food, and I'll make my goober face for you.  Really, just say, "Mary Claire, can you make your goober face?" and I'll do it!!
Two pairs of shoes, one gingerbread man, one sugar cookie, and some treats for Mommy and Daddy later, we are one happy family!  (Especially since Grandmama and Granddaddy were with us, too!)


Stephanie Drew said...

a meltaway sounds so good right now. but more importantly, the shoes are not nearly as precious as the little girl!

Anonymous said...

I have to come and see the cutest girls in the south!!!!!

Teresa DiCesare said...

that anonymous is me!!!

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