


My mom used to call me 'Mariah' growing up.  No, it wasn't after Mrs. Carey (now Cannon!), or just a cutesy little name she thought of.  I had such a tough time making decisions growing up, and 'Mariah' means 'like the wind.'  
Mom should probably go ahead and start using that name again.  Robbie and I are having a rough time trying to decide where Ellie will go to school next year.  Just when we convince ourselves that she will stay right where she is for one more year and start public school for first grade, we change our minds again. 
Obviously, the number one pro of keeping Ellie in the church school for one more year is that she will hear about God everyday.  However, that's really our job at home.  She will also only go from nine until one rather than a full school day.  Plus, it's a little environment and she'll know everyone.
The biggest pro of the public school is that El will already go there in first grade, so why not start sending her now.  The school she is zoned for also has an incredible kindergarten program.  I have heard nothing but wonderful things.
My biggest dilemma is this: I want to keep Ellie in my pocket for the rest of her life.  Realistic, huh?  The thought of her going to school five days a week for seven hours a day is hard for me.  
Sounds like I know the right answer, doesn't it?  That's where it gets tricky.  Robbie and I have been praying about this decision for an entire year, and I still do not feel a peace about where to send Ellie.  She is already signed up to go to the church school, but I just don't know if that's where she should be.  This Friday Robbie and I are going to tour the public elementary school to see what we think.  We are both asking God for divine revelation, and for the Holy Spirit to direct us.
Thank-You, Jesus, for a child that means so much to us and that we love so dearly that we only want to make decisions for her that are in YOUR plan, not ours!

1 comment:

Stephanie Drew said...

selfishly....i need you to start her in school next year so they'll go to college that's neutral of course. :)
and i love that this is a 'decision' for you and not just something you do.

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