

So Much to Say!

My new favorite outfit...from Aunt Mary Margaret, of course!
Hello! It seems so strange to be writing on our blog after I haven't done an entry in so long! I have ten thousand things to say, but I will stick to the most important!
First of all, I am pregnant! Coming August 2008 will be a new Little Latham! Ellie knows that she is going to be a big sister, but has no clue what all that entails! Oh, she'll learn! Last night when we put her to bed, she told us to tell her, "Good night, big sister!" Ellie is such a precious child, and Robbie and I can't wait to see her teach her younger siblings how to live life!
The reason for the long break between blogs is that our church was fasting for twenty-one days to start off the new year. I know we're not supposed to talk about fasting, but I have to say that it is awesome! Since I can't fast any food, I gave up the internet. It really was a challenge to not look at People everyday, and even more of a challenge to not check everyone's blogs! And! Anyway, as always, Robbie and I were blessed with an incredible time of prayer and drawing closer to our Father.
Finally, we had SNOW! This morning I have already looked at all of our friends' blogs to check out their snow pictures! Ellie had a great time, but to be honest, I think Robbie and I had more fun! She even was ready to go inside before we were! Our snowman is pitiful, but we tried! Plus, Ellie had a blast eating the gumdrops that we used to make his face.
I love you all and I love your friendships!


Stephanie Drew said...

yay! you're back! i missed your online friendship ;)

TJ said...

Pop gave me your blog and I have just had a wonderful reading your thoughts and seeing precious Ellie's pictures! This made my day! You are a beautiful woman on the outside and the inside and I admire you so very much! God has truly blessed you! Was great to see you at Christmas and we will be praying for a smooth pregnancy and delivery! God Bless You !
Teresa (the Kelley's side)

Kait said...

I'm so glad to see you are back!! Ellie looks adorable is her new little outfit, and I LOVE the snow pictures. Sweet Ellie is going to be a Wonderful Big Sister! I am so excited for you guys :-)

JJ said...

Jenn, I just love your heart! We are SO excited about another baby on the way. Love you!

Rachael said...

Congratulations, Robbie and Jennifer! What a blessing!!!

Jeremy and Michelle said...

Yea! I can't wait for the Latham and Allen babies to be bestest of friends!! And I know Ellie will be a great "big" sister to all the supper club babies!

Rodney and Mary Ann King said...

Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you guys!

Mary Ann

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