


My friend Stephanie decided to post fifteen things she's not afraid to admit. So, I am copying her (that's going to be number one!). I also have been thinking about what I'm not afraid to admit ever since I read her blog (this would be number two!)! Here goes:
1. & 2. See above
3. I love to smell Mary Claire's breath (I did it to Ellie, too!)
4. I don't always brush my teeth at night
5. I've been known to have to rewash clothes because I've left them in the washer for too long
6. I feel guilty after I've been in a group setting because I think I talk too much and don't listen enough
7. No matter how much we talk about it, I can't stick to a budget that Robbie and I agree on
8. On that note, I'm not the best at exercising self-control when it comes to eating junk, either
9. I'm envious of skinny people right now
10. I hate sleeping in a nursing bra (I told Robbie that it's like sleeping in jeans!)
11. Blogs are like crack to me...I'm addicted
12. I'm obsessive about the way Ellie dresses and how her hair looks at all times
13. I worry that we're not giving Mary Claire enough attention
14. I LOVE to get gifts (I promise this is not a hint to anyone!)
15. Anything new makes me really excited (we're talking pens, a roll of paper towels, a box of cereal, sheets on the bed, hair products)


Stephanie Drew said...

so glad i know these things about you. and, i don't believe for a minute that MC lacks attention.

Lindsey said...

Jennifer! I just did this on my blog because I saw your blog. I loved reading your list. It is funny because I feel the same way you do about stuff. Anyways, I hope everything is going great with your two precious girlies.

Fuller Family said...

AMEN to sleeping in a nursing bra- not looking forward to that!!!

Jeff and Eve Crosby said...

I can totally identify with you on a lot of these! I think that this is a cool idea!!

sweetpeamorrow said...

I laughed so hard at your 15 honest things about you!!!!!! So crack me up! And you are one of those skinny people yourself!!!!!!! I am still working on the baby fat...=)
Your family is precious!!!!!

meredith said...

I'm just now getting around to reading blogs...haven't done it in weeks. Loved this blog - a neat thing to do! So funny...I was JUST telling Andy how much I'm NOT looking forward to sleeping in a nursing bra again! It IS like sleeping in jeans! You make me laugh! :) :)

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